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1stmarketsquare org

  1. Market square - Wikipedia

    The market square (or sometimes, the market place) is a square meant for trading, in which a market is held. It is an important feature of many towns and cities around the world. A market square is an open area where market stalls are traditionally set out for trading...

  2. Old Market Square - Wikipedia

    The Old Market Square (Slab Square) is an open, pedestrianised city square in Nottingham, England, forming the heart of the city, and covering an area of approximately 12,000 square metres (130,000 sq ft), or about 3 acres. It is one of the largest paved squares in the United Kingdom.

  3. Market Square, Knoxville - Wikipedia

    Market Square is a pedestrian mall located in Knoxville, Tennessee, United States. Established in 1854 as a market place for regional farmers, the square has developed over the decades into a multipurpose venue that accommodates events ranging from concerts to political rallies...


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